An Update From Pat Dempster

As received about 10 days before The Run

Dear Dulce:

I wanted to let you know how "Dulce's Dream" was coming along.

What a wonderful group of friends you have; of course you already knew that.  The response has been overwhelming.  When we started this we thought that a team of 6-10 people would be a good showing because of the short notice.  The calls went out, and the word spread, and now our team is made up of 70 to 75  people!  Those that weren't able to do the run, pledged, and in addition to the participants, 184 people have pledged, for a total so far of $3,850.00.  Of these pledges, 75% goes to research here in B.C., and the other 25% goes to national research, education, and diagnosis.  Remember our talk on Friday that if everyone does just a little bit it will make a collective difference.

I hope that you know everyone has you in their thoughts and prayers, that is a lot of positive energy!  Everyone on this team has a special connection to you, the resounding comment was at last we can do something to help out.  Christy Clark is in for the run; Lou Sekora has also been very supportive.  Pam Kellett signed up 18 people to join the team!  Mr. Nicholas from Gleneagle Secondary School, donated the use of both of the school buses .

The largest single donations were for $100.00, and the smallest was made by a 9 year old girl who pledged $1.50, to her Mom.  The three top groups for collected pledges were the Faulkner's, for a family total of $650.00, and the Livesly's (Bud, Shelly & Ashley) for a family total of $595.00, and your good friend Barb Hobson who collected $400.00.

I suppose one of the most moving story for me was when I was talking to a friend of yours who said that she would be more than happy to call your mutual friends, and collect pledges, and gave me additional names to contact, and then she said that she would like to register herself but wasn't sure if she would be able to walk, then she explained that she has MS.  She was so willing to do everything she could, even though she wasn't feeling well.  That was both moving and motivating!

As the pledges were returned I kept hearing people say  it was easy to get pledges once they explained the name of our team and that the funds would go to the Breast Cancer Foundation.  It is truly amazing how so many people in this community have been touched by knowing someone that has had or has breast cancer.

Then on Wednesday, I had an unexpected call from Greg Aasen, from PMC, he had gotten word of the run and wanted to inform people at work, and pledged that PMC would match every donation that was made!!  He anticipated that PMC would have a very large turnout, so our little run has blossomed.

Remember from the tiny acorn a mighty oak grows......................

We'll talk soon,
